How can I contact La Maison du Whisky ?
Your question is about ?
You can contact the customer care service by phone : 00 33 9 70 83 03 60 from monday to friday (9am to 7pm - Paris time) and Saturday (10am to 7pm - Paris time) or by email filling in the form
You are a professional ?
You are already a client or you want to become a client ? You are responsible of a brand and you want to be referenced ? Contact us by email :
You want to contact our stores or our whisky bar ?
- LA MAISON DU WHISKY : 20 rue d'Anjou 75008 Paris - Phone : 0033 1 42 65 03 16. Find out more
- & FINE SPIRITS : 6 carrefour de l'Odéon 75006 Paris - Phone : 0033 1 46 34 70 20. Find out more
- GOLDEN PROMISE WHISKY BAR : 11, rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris. Find out more
- LA MAISON DU WHISKY REUNION : 47 rue Jean Chatel 97400 Saint Denis - Phone : 0033 2 62 21 31 19. Find out more
- LA MAISON DU WHISKY SINGAPORE : The Pier@Robertson Quay 80 Mohamed Sultan Road, #01-10 Singapore 239013 - Phone : +65 6733 0059. Find out more
You represent a works council, you are looking for corporate gifts or you want to organize a corporate event ? Contact us by email :
PR / communication : Contact us by email :